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Oh! here, welcome to Primmed & Processed!


Updated: Jan 21, 2022

Let me give you a tour on what you can expect to find and things you may just stumble upon, so watch your step (or your eyes!).

I first began my blogging journey post college, I was riding on the high of being free of research papers and seemingly aimless assignments. Once I started my career as a recruiter, I enjoyed having the time and space to journal my journey on the backroads of Georgia and my life. At the time, my goal was to cover more topics than my mind could process at once. Now I've converted that into a podcast and will utilize this space as a white board for random tangents, elaborating on a borrowed thought, or just a check in!

Inspo Below!

“You can find inspiration here! Literally, I love putting a helpful quote as a reminder that you're here for a purpose and a reason. All you need to do is tune in for the pathway.”

Here in Primed & Processed, you'll find some of my awesome weekly encounters with life, some words of encouragement and of course, me shuffling through my thought process! It's all so exciting, nerve wrecking, loving and most importantly real. We all go through life wondering if we're doing things right, when in all actuality, the cheat code is to be happy, confident, fail (you better learn from it) and get the hell back up and start all over again.

Suggestions Please!

Don't think of this blog as a one-sided story. I totally take suggestion on what I should talk about some weeks. This is my space for us, so you're never alone. Majority of the things you may be enduring, hundreds of other people are as well in their own way. Use this as a different way to look at situations, taking a break from the negatives, or simply as a good laugh at someone else's awkward moments of embarrassment!

Quick Gem

Yelling at a flower doesn’t help it grow faster, so why are you yelling at yourself for not being where you’re preparing yourself to be?

Adding quotes and some perspective gems adds bits of positivity to the mind and just something to think about. Now some may be funnier than others and others may be deeper than most! But hey, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade and share the recipe! Don't be stingy in a cruel world, we all need each other to survive. Something else you'll pick up on is the fact that I use a ton of exclamation points! I'm easily excitable and I want that to always be expressed, so I promise I'm not yelling (unless I use 3 lol)!

Stay Engaged

Hopefully you all enjoy all that I have to share! Please please please, feel free to reach out and share any thoughts you may have and I totally accept constructive criticism. And if you would to send hate mail, I'll be sure to add you to my prayer list! Enjoy more, stress less, stay primmed & processed!



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